Setting up the NeoBee Python Library

Installing the NeoBee library is a piece of cake, as it is hosted on PyPi. Although you can install globally (as root) or in user space, I recommend you to use a virtual environment. Follow along the next steps and you’re good to go.

Open a terminal and type:

mkdir neobee
cd neobee
python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

Now you can use pip to install the neobee library. I normally install the wheel library first.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade wheel
pip install --upgrade neobee

That’s everything you need.

This installs a neobee programm to configure youre device. Try the following:

neobee --help

You should get something like:

usage: neobee [-h] [-v] [--reset] [--erase] [-s] [-n NAME] [--ssid SSID]
            [--password PASSWORD] [--mqtt-host MQTT_HOST]
            [--mqtt-port MQTT_PORT] [--mqtt-login MQTT_LOGIN]
            [--mqtt-password MQTT_PASSWORD] [--scale-offset SCALE_OFFSET]
            [--scale-factor SCALE_FACTOR] [-o OUT_FILE] [-i IN_FILE]

positional arguments:
host                  The NeoBee host, to connect to.

optional arguments:
-h, --help                      Show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose                   Show some more output.
--reset                         Reset the board
--erase                         Erase the configuration data
-s, --save                      Save configuration data
-n NAME, --name NAME            The name of the neobee board
--ssid SSID                     The wifi network to connect to
--password PASSWORD             The wifi password
--mqtt-host MQTT_HOST           The mqtt host
--mqtt-port MQTT_PORT           The mqtt port
--mqtt-login MQTT_LOGIN         The mqtt login
--mqtt-password MQTT_PASSWORD   The mqtt password
--scale-offset SCALE_OFFSET     The scale offset
--scale-factor SCALE_FACTOR     The scale factor
-o OUT_FILE, --out-file OUT_FILE    Writing the settings to
-i IN_FILE, --in-file IN_FILE   Reading the settings from